Contact us

Contact details

For The Rector, Rev’d Fr Justin Parker;

Correspondence address - The Vicarage, Bromfield, Ludlow SY8 2JP

Telephone – 07932 606420

Email -


For the PCC Secretary;

Correspondence address - 1, Burway House, Bromfield Road, Ludlow, SY8 2BN

Telephone – 01584 877994

Email -



The Parochial Church Council

Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) are the main decision making bodies for local Churches. Membership is drawn from clergy, churchwardens and others elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.

Current membership of the St Peter’s PCC is as follows;

  • Reverend Father Justin Trevelyan Parker, Chair
  • Jennette Sarah Arnold OBE, Vice Chair, Churchwarden and Electoral Roll Officer
  • Philip Keene, Churchwarden
  • Michael Sargent, Treasurer
  • Lesley Sargent, Secretary
  • Joyce Randle
  • Mervyn Jones
  • Maggie Smith

For more details of the PCC’s role and responsibilities please see the Church of England guidance



Hereford Diocese Church of EnglandSt Peter's at NCT