The  Community

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) has been keen to encourage the use of the church for wider community events.

The church hosts a few concerts a year and an annual Snowdrop Weekend to showcase the churchyard, which draws large numbers of visitors from across the area. Other events have included Strawberry Teas and various photographic and art exhibitions.

Being the church with the most significant Saxon remains in the area, it has two to three hundred visitors a year. Donations from such visitors have helped with conservation work, which has been extensive throughout the last decade.

Members of the Church are active participants in the Shropshire Historic Churches ‘Ride and Stride’ annual event and the PCC also supports various charities, including particularly RIPPLE-Africa.


Parish Magazine

The Parishes of Onibury, Bromfield and Stanton Lacy collaborate to produce a joint Parish Magazine. Called Ripples, it includes wide ranging information about the parishes and local villages together with detailed information about church services.

Copies are available to buy in the church. For Archives of Ripples Magazines going back to December 2011 please enquire with the Editor via 

Stanton Lacy Parish Celebrates Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee


On Sunday 6 February 2022, The Queen became the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee - 70 years on the throne.

Local people in Stanton Lacy came together to celebrate. There were a variety of events and exhibitions, planned by a group involving representaives from St Peter's Church, the Village Hall, the WI and the Stanton Lacy Art Group.

We have prepared a short presentation which brings together those celebrations in pictures, and you can download a copy of it by clicking on the link below.

We also made made a short film which celebrates the life of Her Majesty and includes some of the memories local people had of the Accession and Coronation. You can view the film by clicking on the link below.

We are grateful to everyone who took part and who made these activities possible. We would like to thank in particular Arts Council England for providing funding.

We hope you enjoy these memories.